Sunday 9 July 2017



Now life wasn't that easy .The first few months went on only for the new set up.So many things needed for the new house .We had nothing with us and no one to help .And everything I had to go about it as my better half was busy with his new area job.For him too it was a very difficult errand as he was now working in a metropolis.The local trains had completely flushed him down but still very cutely he used  to keep all his Sundays for us. He always made it a point to spend some quality time with his daughter. These were the initial days of his job and I was just a homemaker at that time.Every Sunday we made it a habit to visit all the tourists spot of Mumbai after all who doesn't want to ....? So we saw all the main tourist spots specially the Gateway, Elephanta caves, Hanging Gardens, Kamla Nehru Park etc.etc...and was never worn out.Only we were happy to see our doll enjoying we had decided that whatever happens we will always keep our baby happy.With this vibes we would be again rejuvenated for a new week to start on.He off to work and I here trying to be a complete mom.Now this virtual image of a perfect family was in-corporated with the unrest which always kept on bubbling in my mind as to how could we cope up to the living expenses and to club it up all here in the society where we stayed ,homemakers had a bad habit of gossiping as soon as their husbands were out of the house and this I could never enjoy ,maybe because I had never seen this culture here in my mom's house....whatever was the reason I just wanted to be engaged in some work so that I didn't have to meet these petty talks. So I shared my emotions with my hubby and he very cutely understood what was clouding my mind and agreed that I should go out to work and avoid this gossips . But now the problem was what should I do ? And teaching became the best option for me as that would enable me to be near my daughter more ,so I joined as a computer in-charge in Lady Engineering School in Gamadia Street, but could not carry on for much time because I was spending more than two hours travelling so after four months I resigned and decided to be near my home as I feared to stay at home and listen to all the petty gossips.....

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